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트위터피드 포스트

Some Dashboard tweaks
Hi all,
we’ve made some tweaks to the Twitterfeed dashboard to make it easier for you to get to the in-depth Bitly stats for your links.
We still display the number of user clicks each of your posts has got, but in addition there is now a “stats” link next to each post in the dashboard, which takes you directly to Bitly’s brand spanking new stats page, where you’ll see detailed counts and charts for all activity related to your shared items.
While we’re on the subject, we just wanted to remind you that you can set up your own Bitly account (even with your own custom domain) for use within Twitterfeed and similar tools. Instructions on how to enter your Bitly user information in Twitterfeed are available at http://bit.ly/GAN6Lc, and if you’re interested in using your own custom domain for shortening links, Bitly tells you how here: http://bit.ly/GAN8Tk.
Hope you’ll like these tweaks, and thanks for using Twitterfeed!

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